Is Wise Fathering parenting platform meaningful?

The answer is found in the arrogant complicated misfit

As I was trying to launch this website with the first few articles, I met a newly acquainted young man, SH. He agreed to be interviewed. The amazing thing was that he answered what was in my mind: “Is Wise Fathering parenting platform meaningful?”

Me: What's your background?

SH: My background is IT support and web development. I am also into web design and social media which I dislike.

Me: What's your current goal / intentions in life or career?

SH: I would like to transit into a different career in journalism.

Me: Are there any challenges you face during the transition?

SH: If I move into journalism, then I would likely get a big pay cut. Reason being I am an ITE graduate but is presently drawing a graduate pay.

Me: Who or what inspires you in journalism?

SH: I have an ex-colleague who is in journalism and acting. She was my inspiration when I was working as a part-time editor in her team.

Me: What keeps you motivated?

SH: The grammar and language part of journalism makes me excited.

Me: Do you have a personal story to share?

SH: I am a complicated individual who is a misfit in life. I didn’t complete my National Service and Poly studies.

Me: How do others perceive you? What is your reaction to it?

SH: Most people think that I am arrogant. I don’t feel upset at all because I do agree with them.

Me: What are…

SH: Can we end the interview now? I don’t want to continue.

Why the sudden ending?

My immediate thought was that the way he demanded the interview to stop abruptly indeed showed his arrogance. Maybe it was such a communication pattern that caused him to be a misfit.

We conversed further and I told him about launching Wise Fathering website to record my journey with my son. He exclaimed: “I wish I have a father like you.

I am puzzled: “How could an arrogant person say such a gentle sentence in such a genuine tone?”

I continued to ponder: “Will he be a complicated misfit if he receives wise fathering?”

Tze Yu and I would like to hear from you whether this platform is meaningful to you.




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