
Mandatory National Service

In Singapore, National Service (NS) is mandatory for every male citizen and PR to undertake upon age 18. NS can be served in the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF), Singapore Police Force (SPF) or Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF).

More than 30 years ago, during my NS days, some males choose to ‘injure’ themselves in order to evade military enlistment to certain tough combat vocations. I didn’t like this attitude as my homeland needs all the males to man up and be combat-ready.

This is the reason why I wanted to expose Tze Yu at a young age that it is a great thing to serve the nation.

Standard Obstacle Course (SOC)

When Tze Yu was 6 years old, we constructed some SOC structures using lego blocks. From right to left:

  1. Ramp (with concertina wires)

  2. Gate

  3. Low Wall

  4. Monkey bars

  5. Parallel bars

  6. Balancing beam

  7. Step Over

  8. Swinging bridge

  9. Low rope

  10. Jacob’s ladder

Exposure to Standard Obstacle Course (SOC) at the age of 6.

Exposure to Standard Obstacle Course (SOC) at the age of 6.

War Game

When Tze Yu was 7 years old, we created battle scenarios and more military terms were introduced.

National Service Singapore - war game 1

Beach head | Concertina wire | Bangalore Topedo | Anti-tank | Smoke grenade | Defense line | Tanks | Artillery | Paratroopers

It only takes a SPARK of introducing key military terms for a child to get the FIRE going in developing the whole process of his own war game. Tze Yu initiated the attack.

National Service Singapore - war game 2

The attack begins.

National Service Singapore - war game 3

And finally, the victory!

Learning Army Song (purest Singapore version)

7 stanzas:

  1. Enlistment day (travel to enlistment centre)

  2. Enlistment day (travel from enlistment centre to recruit training camp)

  3. The living conditions of the recruitment training camp

  4. Identifying the different NCO ranks

  5. How the sergeant punishes the recruits

  6. Tough training under the Physical Training Instructors

  7. The different types of rigorous training

Owning a Rifle

Before he turned 8, he received a DIY rifle from me.

National Service Singapore - DIY rifle 1

Newly owned rifle.

National Service Singapore - DIY rifle 2

He upgraded the rifle himself.

Experiential Learning

When he was 8 years old, 2 months ago, I brought him to the Army Open House 2022. He had great fun trying out the different stations of the SOC.

National Service Singapore - Singapore Army Open House

I hope he has built up enough good memories with the above exposure. These are the little things I try to develop in him a positive attitude towards national service.

How are you preparing your child’s mindset?


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