8 Reasons to Learn Chinese Language in Singapore

8 Reasons why I started his Chinese language learning journey at a young age.

Many Chinese children in Singapore dislike the Chinese language as they find it difficult to master, especially in writing. In the 70s, there is a mindset for the parents to ensure their children master the English language so that they can improve their future career prospects. I am this generation of children who needed to switch from Chinese to English as the preferred language.

With the successful switch, the present generation of children is brought up in families and a nation that is mainly English speaking. A new challenge has arisen because the Eastern dragon, China, has also risen.

This is a strategic point, from this video, of Tze Yu’s life that convinced me to start his Chinese language learning with greater intention. The intention is backed up by these 8 reasons:

1. He enjoys tremendously

His intrinsic motivation is ensured when there is joy abundance. It is rare to find pleasure in activities that a child is not talented in. This Chinese book is like a magnet that attracts him. He is willing to spend lots of time reading the book. He can’t wait to read it the next day.

He really enjoys the language tremendously.

2. He learns rapidly

The most amazing thing is that my wife and I hardly read the book to him. Maybe 3 times or 4 times. How does he absorb the whole book so fast? All children are naturally wired to learn. but differently and in different things. His pattern of learning Chinese is so ingrained in his DNA that it opens pathways of understanding without resistance. It is a major contrast when he finds ease and many others struggle.

3. He flows naturally

When his full attention is on this Chinese book and nothing can distract him, he is fully engaged. When a child flows naturally in an activity or a professional flows fully into his work and does not always look at the time to knock off from work, they are likely functioning with their talent.

During his kindergarten class, he chose to copy 弟子规 from the poster on the wall than play with toys; total engagement.

4. He excels effortlessly

If the first 3 factors climaxed with a glimpse of excellence, we have greater certain to exclaim: “I have found where his talent lies!” I love the way he pronounces all the fruits. I may be biased, but he sounds much better than most adults.

5. I place him at his sweet spot

For some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them. Maybe he is born to be great in Chinese. Maybe he can achieve greatness with more effort in the Chinese language. So I decided to ‘thrust’ him with a Chinese tutor or teacher to nurture his greatness. Thus a started his Chinese enrichment classes at 3 years old.

6. I provide the needed environment

I have many friends who are extremely competent in the Chinese language. However, their children start to dislike it between 8 to 10 years old. I also have other friends who do not provide an environment for their children and their children struggle even more. Therefore, my intended strategy is to help him reach a high competency by 10 years old so that he will not find it difficult like many children and start to despise the language.

7. I prepare him for the future

Competency in the language is just the foundation. I hope I did the right thing when he eventually needs to engage the Eastern dragon, he can face her confidently.

8. I position him back to his root

How can a Chinese depart from his root? I hope to play a part for him to find the richness of this 5000-year-old culture and language.

Are you able to spot the clues for your child’s talent in the above first 4 factors? How do you intend to align your child’s activity in factor 5? Remember to consider other macro issues as demonstrated in factors 6 to 8.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts below.


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