Maths is Everywhere - Family

Recently, my family moved into a new house. Tze and I were exploring different types of households in Singapore. I, therefore, took the opportunity to expose him to the total population of Singapore and how it can be derived from data on the total number of households in Singapore and the average number of people in each household.

As usual, this exploration brought us to another 5 Maths concepts that are related to the original concept.

Picture is taken from:

This video covers 6 Maths concepts

Maths Concept 1: Average (Eg. 4 families have 13 people, 1 family average at 3.25 people)

Maths Concept 2: Conversion from fraction to decimal (Eg. 1/4 convert to 0.25)

Maths Concept 3: Round off to the nearest tenths (Eg. from 1.39 mil to 1.4 mil)

Maths Concept 4: Multiplication (Eg. Total Population = No. of household x Average no. of people per household)

Maths Concept 5: Range from the minimum possible to maximum possible (Total population is between 3 mil to 8 mil)

Maths Concept 6: Sensemaking on the missing link (the difference of 1 mil people not living in typical housing)

Which of the above Maths concepts are least mastered by our children? I would love to hear your views under the comment segment below.


Maths is Everywhere - Government