Migrant Workers in Singapore during Covid19 season

How should a 21st century global citizen view the migrant workers?

MOE website states the following

21st Century Competencies for a globalised world

The following competencies are necessary for the globalised world we live in:

  • Civic Literacy, Global Awareness and Cross-Cultural Skills

  • Critical and Inventive Thinking

  • Communication, Collaboration and Information Skills

A Concerned Citizen

During the outbreak of Covid19, the Singapore government implemented the Circuit Breaker to slow down the infection. The sudden implementation resulted in many migrant workers, especially those who were not in major housing communities to miss out the essential care. Food, essential items, and hygiene products were needed. When I came across this website, I found an opportunity for Tze Yu to develop as a concerned citizen. I remembered the old saying: “Everybody’s business is nobody’s business.” It became our business because we were unable to reject the voice that is calling for help.

An Active Contributor

Covid19 is a global crisis and for many Singaporean, a national crisis. When we look at our 5 loaves and 2 fish, we realised that we don’t have enough resources to help. But the website mentioned states: “With $3 on average and $5 at most.” As a family, we could provide about 100 meals if we could raise $400. Therefore, it resulted in a call to action.

The boys willing donated all their coins-saving that would be matched by daddy’s “$1 for $1”. We eventually donated $500.

The boys developed the following skills:

global awareness / collaboration / numeracy

I am really glad that the boys were handling a global issue with confidence. Fear has no place in my family. The boys collaborated in the sorting, counting, calculating of the coins. They have gained real context numeracy instead of the typical worksheet questions in the school for Money topic. They have also collaborated with many donors to achieve a larger fundraising target.

My conversation with Tze Yu before he reads the above article

Do you remember our donation to the migrant workers during Covid19 Circuit Breaker?

Son: We count the money from saving. The saving is from me, my brother, papa and mama.

Why did papa want to do this with the family?

Son: So that we can help the workers who are poor and has no job. Then give them… errh.

What else?

Son: I don’t know.

Another conversation with Tze Yu after he reads the above article

Why do you think it is important to be donors during the crisis?

What are your views after reading this article? I would also love to hear from you in the ‘Comments’ section below.


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